Medieval RSG Gesso prep for Carved Box



                    Medieval RSG Gesso

                -prep for Carved Box

By Symonne de Croix


1. I soaked 1Tbs of dry rabbit skin glue pellets, in a ratio of 1:13, with demineralised water as per packet recommendations (this can vary with different brands.

This takes several hours. I left mine over night. 

The soaked mixture appears very gelatinous. 

2.The next day I heated the rsg in a jar in a steamer type set up. This can be done with a double boiler. 

Vitally important that the mixture does not exceed 80° celcius as this will denature the Rabbit Skin Glue which takes away its ability to glue 

3. I mixed 1Tbs rsg and 3Tbs hot water to do a seal on the wood. This is necessary as it helps to stop the wood absorbing too much of the gesso. Which, if not done, can cause the gesso to fall off on places

4. Next step is to mix Equal amount of the prepared RSG mixture to hot water =I will call this the 10%mix

5. I measure the combined mix which I then add twices as much whiting (calcium carbonate). 

6. Mix carefully do as not to include air bubbles

Keep the mixture warm. Do not go above 80°Celsius. I try to stay at 65°

7.Brush on the gesso evenly

 (I decided to do a few extra things, for future projects, since I was going through the process any way)

8. Allow to dry

Lightly sand with sandpaper 

9. Re heat the rsg gesso no more than 80°

Repeat steps 7-9 for every subsequent layer

5-8 layers work well for future egg tempera

10. Final light sand 

Wet and dry sandpaper is ideal as it makes a slight slurry which gives a smoother affect when left to settle


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