
Showing posts from January, 2021


                GESSO FAIL & RETHINK                 By Symonne de Croix                              26.1.21    After a bit of a fail (rabbit skin glue gesso filling up the carved areas) I have had to rethink it.  I sanded it back then tried sponging some areas out. Not the best idea as it caused some swelling in the wood. I left it overnight then tonight have been gently scraping it out. I think I may have to use some super sharp tools to try to make it crisp again.  Hopefully all will be well.

Medieval RSG Gesso prep for Carved Box

                                                    Medieval RSG Gesso                 -prep for Carved Box By Symonne de Croix 25.1.21 1. I soaked 1Tbs of dry rabbit skin glue pellets, in a ratio of 1:13, with demineralised water as per packet recommendations (this can vary with different brands. This takes several hours. I left mine over night.  The soaked mixture appears very gelatinous.  2.The next day I heated the rsg in a jar in a steamer type set up. This can be done with a double boiler.  Vitally important that the mixture does not exceed 80° celcius as this will denature the Rabbit...

Decorative carving 2

            DECORATIVE CARVED BOX            by Lady Symonne de la Croix                             24.1.21 More work on this today. The sandpaper helped get rid of most of the gouge marks which I am glad about. I went a little too deep in a couple of spots but hopefully they will be filled in with the medieval style rabbit skin glue gesso.  I started prepping the rabbit skin glue by soaking it in demineralised water .I used a 1:3 ratio (this ratio can differ depending on the brand) Next step is to heat the glue (but not too much as overheating will denature the glue) and do a thin underlayer to seal the wood.  Next step is to add whiting (calcium carbonate) to make the gesso. This needs to be kept at a moderate temperature again not over heating. The ratio of water to the RSG gesso mixture isnt that important since it evaporates off leaving the co...

Decorative Carving

                DECORATIVE CARVING               By Symonne de la Croix                            22.1.2021                        My Canton is running the River Haven annual event 'Red &White' and I have decided to enter into one or more of the A&S competitions. These are the categories posted by the current Stegby A&S officer: Arts and Science Competition for Red and White, the first event on the River Haven Calendar for 2021 1. Write a poem in the style of a renaissance poet, about love. Extra points if you are prepared to recite it. 2. In Italy from before the 11th century there was a race run through the villages of men on horses known as Palio. The race was run on the 2nd of July and the 16th of August in honour of the Madonna. A square piece of wool, silk or velvet ...