Next steps in Madder Lake Alchemy

            By Lady Symonne de la Croix

I finished the final rinse after soaking the madder root to get rid of the grunge.
I sieved the roots through linen and discarded the fluid.
There was a somewhat change to the colour of the water, pinker but a little hard to distinguish.  The next step was to put the wet roots into the double boiler  (I chose to use a slow cooker) and cover with demineralised water.
[Would have preferred distilled with pH of 7 but still cant locate any, the demineralised is 6.5pH].
I cooked the roots overnight making sure not to boil, as high heat destroys the alizirin colour that I am trying to achieve.
Then I added 30gm alum[KAl(SO4)2•12H2O] dissolved in a little water, to the dye bath which is put back on the heat.
 The pH is 1.5 atm.
There is a definate colour change.
Note: I downloaded the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the materials that I am using and have paid particular attention to the safety
and first-aid guidelines.


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