The Ugly Stages-Madonna and Child

                 The Ugly Stages.
          by Symonne de la Croix

 I used terraverte for the underpainting (I read thats what the old masters used). It was darker than I would have liked and because of the egg tempera fast drying time it looked scratchy.
 I am thinking about using egg tempera grosso (egg and oil) as it is still a period technique and the added oil changes the drying time.
 Well thats the theory, I have never used it before. Need to research the ratios.
 I tried to lighten and soften the skin tones with lead white which produced a sort of smoky look then I mixed the lead to make a skin colour and tried limning (little strokes). Interesting technique but not what I am looking for.
I enjoyed painting the glazes over the head scarf and clothes. My first time using real LAPIS LAZULI. Love it.


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