Skin Fail with Egg Tempera. Madonna and Child.

                    Skin Fail with Egg Tempera
                       by Symonne de la Croix 

Egg tempera is hard!! Just saying 😊.
I was trying to develop the skin tones and was going ok but I put too much of a watery mix on the babys face which damaged it. I tried to fix it but it kept getting worse. Then I noticed the tempera was coming off down to the rabbit skin glue gesso which surprised me. So I kept scrubbing and removed most of the paint on his face so  I will start again.  I wish I had of known that you can remove the tempera. I would have cleaned off the yucky scratchy looking terre-verte that I put down first. Its making it very hard to get smooth skin without it looking dirty. Oh well. Its about learning.


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