BRAZILWOOD INK 
                               Part 1
              Lady Symonne de la Croix
                      (Corina Graham)

Ok here I go again.
Trying to make Brazilwood Ink this time.
 I am using a medieval recipe from The book of secrets (A 1596 translation of a Dutch edition, which may have been translated from a 1531 German translation)

Its been interesting trying to research what modern weight/measurements to use.
There isnt a medieval to modern conversion chart that I could find 😉
I had no idea what a 'pennyworth' even was.
I was confused with whether it was an actual measurement (it is) or if it was the amount that a monetary penny would buy.

Then there was the problem of what differences there are with modern vs medieval wine.

 I have decided to use organic wine because it has no added preservatives which medieval wine wouldn't have had.
I currently have the brazilwood soaking in the wine overnight.

 Interestingly it is quite a yellow orangey colour, not the red I assumed it to be. 
Tomorrow I will 'seethe till it be halfe consumed) and add the final ingredients which will hopefully turn the Brazilwood red.

Is there an Alchemy Addicts Anonymous that I can join 😉


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