Cochineal Experiments

Cochineal experiments By Symonne de la Croix 1.2.20 Tried to make a Carmine Lake with Cochineal without success. I got my ingredients together : Ground the Cochineal to a powder: Prepared Alum and cream of tartar by addingto boiled water. Then adding the crushed Cochoneal which I then simmered for an hour. The next step was to mix up the sodium carbonate with hot demineralised water then add to alum/Cochineal mix. This was supposed to start frothing immediately but nothing happened. Not even a bubble. It did change to a purple colour. From discussions on fb my mix was perhaps too acidic, or someone suggested maybe not enough alum. I wonder about that as the colour became quite purple which is usually a sign of a lot of alum. Disappointed but going to try again. More Experimenting.... With the unsuccessful dye I decided to experi...